Giving birth to a child can be an incredibly joyful occasion. However, the aftermath of pregnancy can have undesirable effects on a woman’s body, leaving excess folds of skin and fat, deflated breasts, and many other unwanted issues. Unfortunately, implementing an exercise regimen and a healthier diet may not be enough to eliminate many post-pregnancy problems, and many women feel uncomfortable and self-conscious about their bodies. With a Mommy Makeover, your body can be transformed to improve your curves by addressing troublesome areas such as your breasts, stomach, and love handles. By combining multiple techniques into one procedure, the Mommy Makeover can simultaneously enhance your breast and body contours to provide a more defined figure. It probably helps that Dr. Friedman is a true artist who has been sculpting wood and marble for decades.
Mommy Makeover Before and After Photos

Age: 38
Height: 5’4″
Weight: 180 Ibs
Photos Taken At: 4 months
Procedure: Mommy Makeover consists of Bilateral Breast Augmentation with Submuscular Silicone Gel Implants, Full Abdominoplasty, Liposuction of the Abdomen and Flanks, and Lateral Upper Torso.

Age: 52
Height: 6’0
Weight: 198Ibs
Photos Taken At: 10 months
Procedure: Mommy Makeover consists of Bilateral Breast Augmentation with Silicone Gel Implants, Breast Lift, Full Abdominoplasty, and Liposuction of the Abdomen and Flanks.

Age: 60
Height: 5’8
Weight: 180Ibs
Photos Taken At: 7 months
Procedure: Mommy Makeover consists of the removal of saline implants replaced with silicone gel implants, breast lift with free nipple grafting and liposuction of the abdomen, lateral mammary folds, and flanks.

This 31-year-old woman complained of back and shoulder pain from 38HH breasts, “loose skin” of the abdomen following four childbirths, and excessive fat of the love handles. She underwent breast reduction, full tummy tuck, and liposuction of the flanks. Her 6-week postoperative photos demonstrate perky D cup breasts, a tighter abdomen, and an improved waistline.

Age: 37
Height: 5’0″
Weight: 138.8
Post-op taken at 8 months
Procedure: Removal of Bilateral Submuscular Saline Breast Implants, Bilateral Inferolateral Thermal Capsulorrhaphies, Placement of Smaller Saline Breast Implants, Bilateral Breast Lift, Full Tummy Tuck, and Liposuction of Flanks, Lateral Upper Torso, and Lateral Mammary Folds

Age: 56
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 132
Post-Op Photos Taken At 4 Months
Procedure: Breast Augmentation With SIlicone Gel Breast Implants, Secondary Vertical-Only Mastopexy, Secondary Extended Mini Tummy Tuck, and Liposuction of The Flanks

Age: 50
Height: 4’9”
Weight: 183
Post-op Photos Taken at 13 Months
Procedure: Breast Reduction, Full Tummy Tuck, Liposuction of Hips, Flanks, and Upper Torso

Age: 42
Height: 5′
Weight: 130
Post-op Photos Taken AT 7 Months
Procedure: Breast Reduction, Full Tummy Tuck, and Liposuction of the Abdomen, Flanks, and Upper Torso

Age: 37
Height: 5′
Weight: 133
Post-op Photos Taken at 5 Months
Procedure: Removal of Saline Breast Implants, Capsulotomy Procedures, Placement of Smaller Saline Breast Implants, Breast Lift, Full Tummy Tuck, and Liposuction of the Abdomen, Flanks, Lateral Upper Torso, and Lateral Mammary Folds.

Age: 28
Height: 5’2
Weight: 95 lbs
Post-op photos were taken at 4 months
Procedure: Breast Augmentation with Silicone Gel Implants and Liposuction of the Abdomen and Flanks.

This 36 year-old woman from Dallas underwent a mommy makeover, consisting of breast augmentation with 405 cc submuscular silicone gel implants and modified full tummy tuck with a limited vertical lower abdominal incision. Her 6-month postoperative photos demonstrate full C cup breasts and a tighter, flatter abdomen.

This 42 year old woman from Fairview underwent a mommy makeover, consisting of removal of saline implants and replacement with 755 cc submuscular silicone gel implants, tummy tuck, and liposuction of the abdomen and flanks. Her 6-month postoperative photos demonstrate DD cup breasts and a flat abdomen.

This 38 year old woman from Rockwall underwent a mommy makeover, consisting of breast augmentation with 445 cc submuscular silicone implants, tummy tuck, and liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, and lateral upper torso. Her 9-month postoperative photos demonstrate full C cup breasts and flatter abdomen.

This 41 year old woman from Frisco underwent a mommy makeover, consisting of breast augmentation with 330cc saline implants and liposuction of the abdomen and love handles. Her 7-month postoperative photos demonstrate full D cup breasts with a flatter abdomen and improved waistline.

This 38 year old woman from Frisco underwent a mommy makeover, consisting of breast reduction, full tummy tuck, and liposuction. Her 9-month postoperative photos demonstrate smaller, higher breasts and a flatter, tighter abdomen.

This 52 year old woman from Sanger underwent a mommy makeover consisting
of secondary breast enlargement with 455 cc submuscular silicone gel implants, breast lift, full tummy tuck, and liposuction of the love handles.
Her 2-month results demonstrate large C cup breasts and a flatter abdomen.

This 44 year old woman from Carrolton underwent a mommy makeover, consisting of breast lift with a small volume reduction and tummy tuck.
Her 7-month postoperative photos demonstrate perkier breasts and a tighter abdomen.

This 33 year old from Wichita Falls underwent a mommy makeover, consisting of revision breast enlargement with 510 cc textured submuscular implants, donut mastopexy breast lift, and an extended mini tummy tuck.
Her 5-month results demonstrate larger, perkier full-C breasts and a flatter, tighter lower abdomen.

This 51 year old woman from Coppell underwent a mommy makeover consisting of breast reduction, tummy tuck, liposuction of the hips and flanks.
Her 5-month results demonstrate smaller, perkier breasts and a flatter, tighter abdomen with a slimmer waistline.

This 29 year old woman from Dallas underwent a mommy makeover consisting of breast reduction, tummy tuck, liposuction of the hips and flanks.
Her 5-month results demonstrate smaller, perkier breasts and a flatter, tighter abdomen with a slimmer waistline.

Description: This 54-year-old female from Plano underwent a mommy makeover, consisting of a breast implant removal, breast lift with auto-augmentation of the upper poles, and liposuction of the abdomen and flanks.
Her 8-month results demonstrate smaller, perkier breasts, a flat abdomen, and an improved waistline.
Women seeking a Mommy Makeover should be in good health, have realistic expectations for their results, and be finished with childbearing. Common complaints addressed by the procedure include excessive skin or fat, breasts that appear flat or deflated, and overall dissatisfaction with body shape. In most cases, it is recommended that mothers finish breastfeeding and reach their planned long-term weight before undergoing a Mommy Makeover.
The Mommy Makeover Process
Every Mommy Makeover is tailored to the patient’s desired outcome and takes her body type and other factors into consideration. Breast and body contouring are performed under general anesthesia administered exclusively by physician anesthesiologists in our nationally accredited surgery center, the West Plano Plastic Surgery Center. Many techniques are available and will be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Friedman in order to help you reach your aesthetic goals. Your Mommy Makeover may include any of the following procedures.
- Breast Augmentation: This procedure provides volume and fullness to breasts as well as enhanced cleavage.
- Breast Lift: Also known as mastopexy, this technique lifts the breasts and reshapes them to a more pleasing, symmetric appearance. Patients benefit from this procedure if they are experiencing breast sagging, nipples that point downward, or asymmetry. Frequently breast lift and breast augmentation are combined.
- Breast Reduction: Women with overly large breasts often suffer from back, neck, and shoulder pain due to excess weight on the chest. This procedure reduces the size and drooping of the breasts while simultaneously improving the troublesome symptoms.
- Liposuction: This technique removes excess fat from specific areas of the body. The most common areas include the abdomen, love handles, hips, and thighs. If you have troublesome fat deposits that have not responded to diet and exercise, then liposuction may be worth considering.
- Tummy Tuck: Mini or full tummy tuck surgery can provide a flatter, more contoured abdomen. A tummy tuck is best for women with excess skin or an abdomen that still protrudes after pregnancy.
Mommy Makeover Video
After your Mommy Makeover, your incisions will be closed with internal absorbable sutures, sealed with surgical glue, and covered with gauze and tape. A compression garment will be used for tummy tucks and liposuction to provide comfort and support during your recovery. Heavy lifting and exercise should be avoided after surgery. You should arrange for your significant other or a family member to help care for you after surgery, and you will need help with childcare. As you recover, swelling and bruising will subside, and you will be able to enjoy your improved contours.
Your custom Mommy Makeover can provide more defined body contour such as fuller breasts, a tighter abdomen, and a better waistline. As your clothing fits better and your curves are restored, we hope that you will feel more like your pre-pregnancy self and that your confidence will soar.